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Knowledge Base (137)

  1. Answer: Environment: All Supported .NET versions of Oracle B2C Service Issue: Support by Microsoft is ending for Windows 7 and some versions of Microsoft .NET framework. See Notes below! In keeping with...
  2. Answer: Environment: WebDAV, Windows 7, TLS Protocol Oracle B2C Service, all supported versions Issue: Unable to establish a WebDAV connection to the customer portal using the "Map Network Drive"...
  3. Answer: Environment: All supported versions Resolution: The screen flickering with Windows 7 and the CX application is a Windows 7 design limitation based on the kernel stack size. Once the hierarchy of...
  4. Answer: Environment: Oracle Cloud Portal / My Services / Configuration Assistant Non-IDCS environment customers. If you have been migrated to IDCS, please see  Answer ID 12490: Accessing My Services and...
  5. Updated Answer: Environment: Maintenance Packs (previously known as Service Packs) Oracle B2C Service Release and Maintenance Schedule All supported versions Resolution: Oracle issues maintenance packs to enhance...
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Documentation (187)

  1. Link to a URL

    RNChatConfigurationChangedMessage 7 /api/javax/xml/rpc/Stub.html   Supported Operations Last Updated: 02/08/2023
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    RetrieveMessagesMsg based clients, see 7 /api/javax/xml/rpc/Stub.html Last Updated: 02/08/2023
  3. Link to a URL

    Extend a Visual Builder Application with Intelligent Advisor Interviews ", "resume" and "resumeCheckpointOrStartNew". See step 7 above. String resumeCheckpointOrStartNew Yes Last Updated: 02/20/2025
  4. Link to a URL

    Understand Text Substitution Principles is suffering from") 7 . Special considerations affect substitution in some relevant supported Last Updated: 02/20/2025
  5. Link to a URL

    Create a Menu-Only Custom Object then enter a name for the menu item. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to add other menu items. To add language Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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